The percentage/ratio input box gives the user a choice to calculate a simple value result from the
drill down on point tool or to calculate a percentage or ratio based on two values in the attribute box of the same target layer.
 Field value
The percentage tool calculates the percentage relation of two values within the same target layer's attribute table. When the Percentage option is chosen, and additional Query Field input box appears:
The user needs to select the second field to do the query. The output will then be the percentage of the first value in (Query Field 1) in relation to the second value (Query field 2)
In other words:
The Ratio tool calculate a Ratio between two values within the same targer layer's attribute table. When the Ratio option is chosen, and additional Query Field input box appears:
The user needs to select the second field to do the query. The output will then be the ratio of the first value in (Query Field 1) in relation to the second value (Query field 2)
In other words: